Sunday, September 11, 2011

Celebrating Mistura 2011

I am so excited to share our experience at the inauguration ceremony of Mistura 2011. As a native, I cannot help but feel first and foremost overjoyed with pride, for Mistura truly conveys why Lima is the gastronomic capital of the Americas. 

From El Gran Mercado where you can see first hand some of the most beautiful varieties of potatoes that when cut surprise you with the most magnificent deep reds and purples; or being marveled by the intense hues of pink, orange and purple quinoa that are a treat for your eyes, or being lucky to run into Gaston Acurio and Ferran Adria surrounded by press while trying the different ajies from the jungle. To savoring the creativity and stories behind a purple corn humita from Tradicion Barranquina, a papita rellena chinita from La Guchita, a warm and thick emoliente drink from Aurea, a yummy chupe de camarones from El Verdadero Pulpito, a spicy leche de tigre from El Veridico de Fidel, a borgona grape pisco sour from Huaringas, a bag filled with artisan breads from El Rincon del Pan, a churro filled with lucuma from Q’churros, bite-size guargueros from Manjares de Casa, and a suspiro de chirimoya from Maga Mis Suspiros, to name just a few. To chatting with our dear friend Javier Wong. And to visiting La Zona del Cafe where I bought bags of coffee beans from The Gilded Organic Coffee and Cafe Villa Rica, as well as La Zona del Cacao where I enjoyed chocolate sushi and pisco cacao. 

What made these experiences better beyond the food, was the warmth and joy that each vendor displayed. They all greeted you with a smile and were eager for you to try the dishes that make them special and that tell the story of who they are and where they are from.

And most importantly, Mistura allows us to become witness of the transformation that our cuisine is triggering in our country, where becoming a chef is an opportunity for development and prosperity, and where farmers and fishermen are being recognized as the first ingredient of the gastronomic chain. Mistura has an ambience of celebration that will continue to fuel change and inspiration long after the fair is over and I am proud to be a part of that revolution. Salud y buen provecho!